This series is meant to shed light on the strength of the powerful women who have been on the solitude path for years. Jessica was gracious enough to share her experiences and wisdom to help those who may be struggling to accept their 'single' status.
Most relationships start with an explosion. A flood of infatuation followed by a shower of gifts and affection is what so many girls dream of. But, if you experience love bombing, proceed with caution.
Maybe you don’t want to get a rebound partner and you only want your ex back; here is a solid list of eight different ways that you could successfully go about it.
Regardless of how prolonged a time frame it has been since you’ve last been privy to your former fling’s presence, you make the assumption a deeper meaning prevails as to why you’re just now being re-acclimated to her existence.
I sat down with Ellie Holt from Evie Magazine to discuss the pitfalls of modern dating and how single women can influence change in the dating culture.
Love has no age, no gender, no race. So, why should we speculate the possibility of love being impossible to find after a certain age? It’s only human of us to question such a thing.
Toxic Masculinity and Modern Feminism share common ideologies when it comes love and relationships. They both promote unhealthy lifestyles and encourage emotional immaturity, leaving behind detrimental effects to our mental and physical health.
"I don't need a man" is usually code for "I have been hurt many times and nobody cares about me". I understand why it can feel more comforting to disengage from the world of men after many have endured years of rejection, along with being used, ignored and treated as an option.
Perpetually single women over thirty are constantly made to feel less than with smug remarks and looks of shame. Today, I am here to say that this needs to stop. Not all women are single by choice, in fact many remain single for a while out of circumstance or bad luck. Nobody willfully chooses to be alone, unless it’s their personal preference.