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#MySolitudeStory: Read Jessica's Story

This series is meant to shed light on the strength of the powerful women who have been on the solitude path for years. Jessica was gracious enough to share her experiences and wisdom to help those who may be struggling to accept their 'single' status.

1) Based on your own experiences, what are some misconceptions about singles that you feel need to be set straight?

That I am lonely and that my life is lacking because I am not partnered.

2) What does solitude mean to you?

To me, solitude means freedom. I am free to do anything I wish while I am alone. I can make all the choices and have all the power.

3) What has been the most frustrating part of the dating process for you?

Only meeting men who were threatened by my success and intelligence.

4) What advice would give someone who is struggling to find the romantic love they deserve?

Reframe what you are looking for and why. Don't assume you lack something and need a partner to have a fulfilling life. Create your life and then look for someone who compliments it.

5) How can we as a collective do better when it comes to dating? What needs to change?

Online dating and other dating services lack civility.

6) Anything else you'd like to add?

I love my single life and I am not actively looking for a partner. I have been single for essentially my entire adult life. I've had some "situationships" but no real relationships. But, I do not feel like my life is missing anything. I run a law firm that I created a few years ago with some partners, I travel extensively (pre-COVID), I am very close to my nieces but have never been drawn to motherhood myself. My life is full. Every man I have met in the last ~ 10 years (I'm 45) has been threatened or intimidated by my career, success, independence, financial stability, you name it. I will not make myself small to make them feel better, so I've stepped back from seeking partnerships. 

Would you like to share your Solitude Story? If so, shoot me an email :)

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