10 Things to Do When Dating a Woman Who Has Been Single For a Long Time

You read the room, won her heart, got the number and now you’re looking to date a woman who has been single for a long time…are you intimidated? Don’t be, because the real fun is just beginning. If you have just met someone wonderful, it’s normal to feel nervous and excited to take them someplace special for the first date. They say, the first impression is the last, and most relationships make or break during the initial interaction, so first dates are everything.
While hearing that a woman has been single for quite some time can be a bit nerve-racking—because let’s face it, she’s more than likely spent enough time alone and has very much gotten to know herself quite well—how do you find a good spot to go? What can you do on a first date? Here are some exciting but not cheeky first date ideas for spending quality time with someone special and making a lasting impression:
There’s a reason going to the movies is such a popular first-date idea. It’s a wonderful shared experience without too many expectations. You can be yourself and enjoy the company of one another while watching an entertaining film.
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Another common first date idea is going for lunch or dinner. This works well because almost everyone loves food, and slowly relishing a meal together makes for a beautiful experience.
If going to a restaurant sounds like a lot for the first date, try taking it small: go to a café instead. What’s better than a warm coffee and a snack for bonding?
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Walking is healthy and gives you plenty of time to get to know each other well. Find a quiet street with some gorgeous scenery and take your partner along for a stroll.
Who doesn’t love shopping? If you are a fan of some retail therapy, grab your partner for an exciting ride to the mall. The best part? You don’t even have to buy anything! Just browsing the racks can help you understand each other’s likes and dislikes.
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Letting your hair down and dancing your heart out? Count me in! If you like letting yourself loose on the dance floor, clubbing can be an amazing venue for a wild time. Along with having a memorable time, you get to burn some calories, which is always a win!
Which brings us to:
What? Who exercises on their first date!?
Fitness fanatics!
If you are both avid fitness fans, working out together is an ideal way to spend some quality time together. Grab a day pass at your local gym or sign up for a yoga class and sweat it out together.
Isn’t the goal of the first date getting to know each other? Then what better way to understand your partner than a heart-to-heart talk session? Pull on a comfy blanket and chit-chat your day away.
Research has shown time and again that spending time in nature keeps us healthy and happy. So, if you are looking to add some green time to your schedule, how about you take your partner to your local park for the first date?
Everybody loves food. So, what better excuse than a first date to go on a fun eating spree? There are so many options to choose from: you could go on a street food tasting tour, visit all the ice cream parlors in your area, or just cook something up at home and savor the delights.
When it comes to dating, there are so many things you can do. But often, the best option depends on your mutual interests. If you both enjoy the outdoors, go hiking, cycling, or laze outdoors. If you love the comfy indoor feeling, Netflix and chill at home. Whatever you do, make sure you have fun and truly get to know one another.
Written by Sakshi Udavant